Thursday, January 28, 2010

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By Barb Hicks

Ask anyone who smokes and they will tell you it is a hard habit to break. It is very interesting to note that nicotine is more addictive than harsher drugs such as cocaine or heroin. However, although the symptoms of withdrawal vary quite differently, quitting smoking can still be a very harrowing and nerve racking endeavor.

Nicotine is found in all tobacco products, as well as thousands of other chemicals and toxins contained in cigarettes. The good news is that the withdrawal symptoms are temporary and peak after two days. Your body begins a healing process within thirty minutes of quitting sm! oking. If you can just stick with it, your risks of heart attack and other conditions associated with smoking are significantly reduced and can add years to your life.

Withdrawal symptoms include:

Nicotine cravings Tension Irritability Headaches Inability to concentrate Drowsiness Sleeping difficulties Increased appetite Weight gain Depression

The above symptoms can be made to be less intense if you try switching to cigarettes with less tar as well as cutting back on how many cigarettes you smoke in a day. It is very important to remember that there is no such thing as a "safe" cigarette. Just because it contains less tar or nicotine does not necessarily mean your body isn't receiving the same toxins, especially if you smoke more of these cigarettes to compensate for the amount your body used to receive with the regular cigarettes.

How to cope:

There are ways for coping with nicotine withdrawal. Nicoti! ne replacement therapy such as gum or patch can be useful. Oth! er metho ds include medications such as clonidine, antidepressants such as fluoxetine (Prozac), and buspirone (Buspar). The use of these agents may increase the likelihood of successfully quitting cigarettes. These medications do not cause an added addiction to them, and are helpful in dealing with the cravings for nicotine.

Many people become discouraged when their first attempt to quit smoking ends in failure. However, it is very important that you keep trying. Research suggests that the more attempts made to quit smoking, the more likely you will eventually succeed. So, keep pushing ahead and know that you will beat the smoking habit.

Coping strategies are very important in the journey to quit smoking. Te symptoms are only temporary, so having a good solid plan in place is imperative.


Weight gain is by far the most complained about complication of quitting smoking. You must remember that you should anticipate b! oth food and nicotine cravings. To combat these effects, try increasing your physical activity as well as supplementing a healthy diet along with fresh fruit and vegetable sticks for snacks.

Get in contact with your health care provider who can help you with ways to give up the cigarette habit. You will find that your senses of taste and smell will return to normal, your lung capacity will increase, which will enable you to increase your physical endurance. Increasing your exercise will burn more calories, keeping off the weight gain that can occur while quitting smoking and dealing with the withdrawal symptoms.

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

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By Daphne Dew

Living with acne is pretty painful. Not just physically (although those zits can hurt sometimes), but also emotionally. It's hard having your priceless years tarnished with acne, branding you as a 'pizza face' everywhere you go.

What makes breakouts even worse are the treatment options. So you're having some skin problems, the only thing you can do is buy topical products and hope they work? Most acne treatments require weeks, even months of use before you can tell it the stuff was a waste or not.

Next up - Acne Scars! That's a whole other market you're plunged into...after you've finally won the battle with regular ! breakouts.

Luckily this is just the tip of the acne ice berg as far as cures go. One thing you may not have heard about yet is an all natural remedy for acne. There's a good reason natural cures for acne aren't as popular as topical treatments, and the reason begins with 'money.'

It's a harsh reality, but the fact of the matter is that major acne companies would much rather push manufactured topical products that users will have to buy monthly in order to maintain results because they know that this strategy makes them repeat customers.

Now I'm not saying that all manufactured acne treatment products are a joke. There are some topical remedies for acne that really work for people, but for the most part acne is seen as a huge profitable business...and money almost always comes first.

It just may not be worth it to all acne sufferers to buy and use products all the time to keep their skin relatively clear. Many people compla! in that if they skip a day from their regimen their acne comes! right b ack in full force!

A lot of people out there would much rather get access to a blueprint that can help them make a few dietary changes, and keep their skin healthy and beautiful all year round. There are a number of different natural acne cures out there that work better for healing your skin and keeping it bright and clear than any topical treatments on the market.

If you're still struggling with acne breakouts then a natural cure may be just the thing you need. You just have to be willing to let go of the 'safety soaps' first.

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

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By Elyza Murphy

We are living in an age where we are constantly reminded of the advantages of remaining fit and leading a healthy life. Hence people have become greatly interested in searching for and joining fitness programs.

Abiding by a fitness program, either in a gym or at your house, has a lot of benefits. Working out a personal fitness objective and achieving it becomes e! asy with a fitness program and the plans included in it. For example, a fitness program will advise you on the workouts to be done daily and the diet to be followed in order to lose, let's say, 10 pounds in three months, which might be your near future fitness goal.

A fitness program also allows you to remain motivated and concentrated on the job at hand. It motivates you to abide by the plan carefully without any deviation whatsoever. When you find after regular intervals that you have made impressive improvement since you began with the program, it will eliminate all your suspicions about its efficacy, and you will be encouraged to finish it in time.

But some crucial factors must be included to make the fitness program give the desired output. Only that program which is productive and is value the time and money invested in it should be chosen, so that you find yourself in excellent health after following the program.

An effective fi! tness program should have only one or two important objectives! , and th ey must be exactly defined. Therefore if your mission is to burn extra fat, then concentrate on related exercises rather than focusing on bodybuilding exercises.

Whether you need to regularly visit a gym or exercise at home will solely be determined by your health and fitness objectives. Then you have to think about whether you should engage a personal trainer to guide you about the workout. However, it is normally a good idea to chalk out and implement your fitness program under the watchful guidance of a personal trainer.

Lastly, you must make sure that the fitness program can easily fit in your routine. If you set your targets very high and later feel that you don't have adequate time for the exercises, you will soon lose all your motivation. Whereas if your aims are too modest, you will start getting suspicious about the worth of all your strenuous efforts to stick to the regime. Therefore it is always good to set a moderate target and follow th! e routine in order to have a successful fitness program.

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By Dr. Jay Polmar

The big hullabaloo from Roland Emmerich's film 2012, and all the disaster films we've been seeing ! for the last 50-60 years or so is scaring the heck out of viewers. So badly are they scared of the end that they are watching the same movies of disaster, over and over, with different actors, different titles, and different producers - all aimed to scare you and empty your pockets.

The World Isn't Coming To An End, it's just scary Hollywood, or Horrorwood - as some label it.

Let's get real. Let's discuss some of the pin-point targets:

1. The World Will End With Planetary Alignment and the repositioning of the Earth along the Galactic Equator - .... R-I-G-H-T! The phenomena of placement of the stars and galaxies in space is not new. These things have occurred before, and it wasn't the end of the world. Actually, the date predicted, Winter Solstice, 2012 is not as significant as other astronomical phenomena happening before this. This is just fear-mongering of the formerly unemployed ' of the world writers' with nothing better to do tha! n create movies to scare the bejesus out of little kids.
2. The Mayan Prophesy - there is no known prophesy that the world is coming to an End and whoever said that should know that it can't be. The records of the Maya civilization were effectively destroyed, like all other Meso-American histories by the Conquering Spanish, and what was kept - was kept in secret archives to keep the truth away from the public because it would destroy the Catholic Church. The evidence indicated that the majority of the Meso-American population was, in fact, the lost tribes of Israel. This was written by Franciscan Monks at the time of the invasion, and British and other archeologists later. The actual Mayan Prophesy was simple - 'Live naturally, in natural time, or your biosphere (Earth - our mother ship) would not survive. We'll we did it. No lying about that. For the past umpteen years, we have been just like conquerors, raping, murdering, and killing mother earth. OOPS! I didn't do it - you didn't do it - the politicians allowed it - all for gre! ed. Oil, Gold, Silver - rape the earth suffers the consequences. The end date of the Mayan Calendar had nothing to do with the end of the planet, it had to do with the end of an era.

2a. Note that when the Earth was first inhabited there was something of a 3 degree axis tilt and the planet was green, and water blue, and life was abundant. What by the name of God have we done to our mother?

2b. YIKES, we're at 23 degree wobble now. Yes, something is happening, changes are occurring, but it's not the end. It scares people to think that changes are coming - people fear change. CHANGE IS GOOD!

2c. Do you think that people will die? Of course, people are already dying. Yes, we've burned fossil fuels, destroyed our air, cut down our forests, created deserts where there were none before and previously the planet cleansed itself with great floods. People are dying, we are more aware since Hurricane Katrina, that things are not right due to glo! bal warming, and Tsunamis, great floods, and thousands more de! aths in countries where floods were a rarity.

2d. Species are dying. Faster than ever before species are disappearing. One indication that might be considered, or two, are the frog population which began disappearing a few years back, and the bees. We are impacting nature and we don't step lightly - our footprint is huge and visible, and we are destroying all of life without mistreatment of our mother.

2e. Now there are more diseases, more horrible, more incurable - a sick society and planet produce all forms of diseases.

3. It's human nature - It's obvious that the nature of the human being is to conquer. The continuous development of warfare, atomic, and nuclear weaponry is solely aimed at the destruction of mankind and hurting the planet. Previously, we had been the only big bully playing with nukes, now every schoolyard bully has them and someone is likely to play war games just to demonstrate my 'thingie' is bigger than your 'thingie'.

3a. Believing in the world's Ancient Religions - I must mention this, because this is the greatest manipulation of human beings' behavior on Earth. Sorry, priests, ministers, rabbis, I honor you all for what you know, but your DOGMA is not helping the situation. Each one of you has chosen an individual branch as path of the Tree of Life, and none of you are on the Expressway to God. Please stop telling your people they are sinners - as men of God, many of you have been caught with your own pants down around your ankles and some honey taking some money for some SINFUL and LUSTFUL experience you needed to have. You dirty old sinner you. It may not have been you, but we all know of whom I speak. I am not judging you - just stop judging others and stop playing the blame game which results in guilt. As you know - guilt has absolutely no survival value, it is responsible for many illnesses that do not resolve and result in death. Stop guilting others, or ...

3b. Humans Mistreat Each Other and Mother Earth - imagine al! l the dr illing, the cutting of trees, the burning of fields, everything normal and beautiful of earth destroyed by greed to steal the resources and be billionaires, all at the cost of our mother. Imagine our planet as a great big fluffy dog, filled with life. And the dog feels the burring of something drilling into it - just like a flea. And another, burning like burning the trees - the dog begins to scratch and shake fiercely and the fleas fall off. You got a parachute for when this happens to us?

4. The Mayan Calendar - Interestingly enough does end on the Winter Solstice, 2012. Why? Not because it's the end of the world - it's just the end of the 5th Cycle of Life on the Planet. The 6th Cycle that begins immediately thereafter and is called the Age of Enlightenment. It's sounds like an exciting time to be alive - so get prepared!

WELCOME - this is reality.

Many of us will fall off, many of us will die. Those who are not prepared, and those w! ho think they are better or more powerful than Mother Earth that we live on, will suffer.

Richard Branson has made his fleet of Intergalactic Space ships to take the rich and wealthy off the planet, just like Roland Emmerich has set of Arks in his movie. Branson's ticket price is much cheaper.


In 1987, the Harmonic Convergence, which was written about by Dr. Jose Arguelles, and my participation in it - by doing long travels through endless ruins, culminating at the El Tule Tree in Oaxaca in Mexico, spoke the prophesy that we had 25 years left of life as we knew it. We must return to natural, non-destructive living. Dang people, we blew it!

Now the cards are on the table. Natural disasters are not caused by nature but by those politicians who paid no heed to the warnings 20-30 years ago. Politicians refused to grant health to the planet at Kyoto and the disastrous earth changes continue! d.

What can the scenario possibly be -- to cause ! the end of life as we know it? Who knows, asteroids, meteorites, some crazy Anti-Semitic Iranian ex-president who stole the presidency from the people in order to try to wipe out the State of Israel, some angry Korean president who is dying because of his anger at the United States over a 60 year old situation, or errors by our own major powers in their thinking that nuclear energy is stable enough to survive what our earth going through with hurricanes, tsunamis, typhoons, earthquakes, and worse. All the time our earth, which I'd like to assimilate it to be life this this big furry yellow dog who it tired of all the baggage she's carrying and begins shaking off the fleas. The fleas are US!


Be prepared. More than anything else - it's your mind and soul that need preparation. Since we all know that the soul is immortal, you will survive in one form or another. We have prepared the first of several guides on survival. This first one was just u! pdated Nov. 2009, originally written in 1991 - to help you survive what is undoubtedly going to be a life-changing experience.

It's called - "The World is a Mess, and We Are Responsible - Isn't It Time To THINK RIGHT?

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The process of clearing credit can be laborious and frustrating. Understanding your rights empowe! rs you and saves you time and effort. By employing the following tips, you can enlist the help of credit reporting agencies (CRAs) as you work to improve your credit rating.

A negative credit report hinders your quest for financing a house. You will have to do a lot of tedious work to clear up any mistakes in your credit report, but remember that CRAs are required by law to protect your rights. They must remove undocumented information on your report.

Once you receive your reports, you will be given a phone number to discuss your report with a real person. Your gentle manners and pleasant conversations with the credit bureau employees will motivate them to help you more than angry words. Remember, these people are just doing their job and they get yelled at day after day by frustrated consumers.

Double-D Line of Attack

Dispute Discrepancies and Document

Complete the dispute form provided with your credit report and write a! letter for all discrepancies to both the creditor and the cre! dit bure aus listing the item. Identify each error by their corresponding account number and state why it''s wrong. Include a photocopy of your credit report with the errors circled with your dispute form and letters. Send copies of your supporting documents. Keep your letters in your computer in case you need to write again.

Document, document, document

Keep copies and records of all the dispute forms, letters, and supporting documents that you send. In extreme cases this proof is used by attorneys for settlement or in court.

Credit bureaus must investigate disputes within 30 days of receiving your complaints. Any item that is not verified as accurate by a creditor is supposed to be removed. However, the supposed creditors do not have to provide any supporting documentation. All they have to do is state that the account is reported accurately.

For this reason, after receiving your updated credit reports, check to see what actions were taken. If! you still have erroneous information listed on your credit report, you need to start the entire process over again. At this point, take stronger action both with the original creditor and with the credit reporting agencies.

Copyright © 2005 Jeanette J. Fisher - All Rights Reserved.

Jeanette Fisher, author of "Credit Help! Get the Credit You Need to Buy Real Estate," helps people buy their dream home or finance multiple investment properties. Jeanette teaches real estate investing and Design Psychology. For help with your credit or answers to your questions, visit the Real Estate Help Credit Center at Subscribe to Credit Help! Tips. Send a blank email to CreditTips at Get the credit you need to buy one house or twenty!', 127, 'How to Get Credit Reporting Agencies to Help You, Credit, Credit articles, Credit information, about Credit, what is ! Credit, Credit Information', 'How to Get Credit Reporting Agen! cies to Help You plus articles and information on Credit'

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